Driving Test pass with our sister company

CONGRATULATIONS to Paul Russell on passing his driving test today Fri 30th May 2014 with ONLY 7 minor driving faults with the IOW Driving Academy, our sister company. You worked really hard to achieve this result which was well deserved. Well Done and all the best.....

A MASSIVE WELL DONE to Sean West for passing his driving test today, Weds 28th May 2014… with 0 ( zero ) minor driving faults…. with our sister Academy on the Isle of Wight This is a great achievement, with even the examiner congratulating you on your...

CMA recommends changes for car insurance…….

  Insurers and price comparison websites are to be banned from having agreements that stop car insurance being available more cheaply on other online platforms according to a report into the competitiveness in the car insurance market. The Competition and Markets...


INSTRUCTORS WANTED.. We are looking for enthusiastic driving instructors to join our team. We are a family run business and need you to join our team in Southampton, Portsmouth, Bournemouth, Brighton, Salisbury and Guildford. Fill in our online enquiry form and...