Driving Test Pass with our sister company

CONGRATULATIONS to Garry Poynter on passing his driving test today, Mon 7th July 2014 at his first attempt with ONLY 5 minor driving faults.. with our sister company IOW Driving Academy. Well done, this was a great result which you really deserved. All the best for...

Test Pass with our sister company

CONGRATULATIONS to Joe Bass for passing his driving test today 3rd July 2014 at the first attempt with ONLY 5 minor driving faults with our sister company the IOW Driving Academy Well done Joe, this was a great result which you deserved. Hope you are enjoying a beer...

Driving Test Pass with our sister company

CONGRATULATIONS to Hester Twiddy on passing her driving test today Thurs 26th June 2014 with only 3 minor driving faults. This was a great result which was very well deserved. A far cry from driving in South Africa, dodging Lions and Zebras!! Best wishes for the...

Test Pass with our sister company

CONGRATULATIONS to Emma Lounds for passing her driving test today, Tues 17th June 2014 at her first attempt with ONLY 1 minor driving fault. This was a great drive and very well deserved, Well Done. P.S Thank you for my gift too, it was very much appreciated. They...