1st Time Driving Test Pass with Kerry West.

1st Time Driving Test Pass with Kerry West. CONGRATULATIONS to Kerry West on passing her driving test today, Tues 5th July 2016 at her first attempt with ONLY 4 minor driving faults. This was a great result today and well deserved. You battled those nerves extremely...

Driving Test Pass with Kalah McCully

Driving Test Pass with Kalah McCully CONGRATULATIONS to Kalah McCully on passing her driving test today, Tues 7th June 2016 with ONLY 5 minor driving faults. If ever a pupil had made it hard on themselves to pass their test, that has to be you. Although you added a...

First Time Test Pass with Dan Williams at EDA

First Time Driving Test Pass with Dan Williams.CONGRATULATIONS to Dan Williams on passing his driving test today, Thurs 2nd June 2016 at his first attempt with ONLY 3 minor driving faults. This was a great drive today and a very well deserved pass. Next time try and...

First Time Driving Test Pass with Jordan Aspinall

First Time Driving Test Pass with Jordan Aspinall & IOWDA. CONGRATULATIONS to Jordan Aspinall on passing his driving test today, Fri 27th May 2016 at his first attempt with ONLY 3 minor driving faults. This really was a great drive, especially after having a...

First Time Driving Test Pass with Harry Flux

First Time Driving Test Pass with Harry Flux & IOWDA. CONGRATULATIONS to Harry Flux for passing his driving test today, Tues 24th May 2016 at the first attempt with ONLY 4 minor driving faults. This was a great result and very well deserved. You drove to a very...

The Perfect Driving Test pass by Stephanie Fraser.

The Perfect Driving Test Pass with Stephanie Fraser. A massive CONGRATULATIONS to Steph on passing her driving test today, Tuesday 17th May 2016 with zero driving faults. This is an amazing result and requires a lot of work and road knowledge. Steph demonstrated a...