Driving Test Pass with Kalah McCully
CONGRATULATIONS to Kalah McCully on passing her driving test today, Tues 7th June 2016 with ONLY 5 minor driving faults.
If ever a pupil had made it hard on themselves to pass their test, that has to be you.
Although you added a few detours of your own to the route and added on about 5 extra miles of challenging driving, you drove very well and demonstrated a lot of safe driving. I am really pleased with how you drove and you really deserved this pass. Well Done & best wished for the future.
Here at the I.O.W & Excel Driving Academy’s we pride ourselves on the quality of tuition provided by our fully qualified Driving Instructors. This is why we are able to achieve such great results. For more information on our lessons, refresher courses & Intensive Driving Courses call us on 0800 193 76 77 or complete our contact form.
Let us get you started… You won’ t look back.