1st Time Test Pass-Steff Drummy-9th June 2015

1st Time Test Pass-Steff Drummy-9th June 2015

CONGRATULATIONS to Steff Drummy on passing her driving test today, Tues 9th June 2015 at her first attempt with ONLY 4 minor driver faults. Well Done, you’re a fabulous driver so believe in yourself. Best Wishes for the future. Instructor – Nick...
Test Pass – Carl Nash 2nd June 2015

Test Pass – Carl Nash 2nd June 2015

CONGRATULATIONS to Carl Nash on passing his driving test today, Tues 2nd June with 9 minor driving faults. This was a great result for you today, well done. You worked hard and kept those nerves under wraps. Good luck for the future.

1st Time Test Pass- Emily Boulton 27th May 2015

CONGRATULATIONS to Emily Boulton for passing her driving test today, Weds 27th May 2015 at her first attempt with 7 minor driving faults. Emily took our novice intensive course, so this was a great achievement to pass her driving test in a short period of learning....

Test Pass – Jenny Stokes 21st May 2015

CONGRATULATIONS to Jenny Stokes on passing her driving test today, Thurs 21st May 2015 with only 2 minor driving faults. This was such a well deserved result, which you worked so hard to achieve. I think downing the whole bottle of rescue remedy worked. I hope...